The International Hedgehog Association
We love hedgehogs and it shows
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Understanding Colors



Hedgehog Facts:

The very first hedgehog show was held in Tacoma Washington, USA, on October 22, 1995.  Close to 100 shows across the United States and Canada have been held since.

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Hedgehog color genetics have come a long way in just 10 years.  We currently recognize 92 colors in two distinct group classifications – White-Bellied and Algerian.  To understand why there are 2 color groups is to understand the genesis of the domestic hedgehog. 

The domestic hedgehog that we have in North America, South America, parts of Europe and Japan is the result of the crossing of two distinctly different species of African Hedgehog - the White-Bellied (Atelerix albiventris) and the Algerian. (Atelerix algirus)

While the two species were a compatible mix, blending the physical characteristics of each into the pet hedgehog of today, the colors proved incompatible and never did successfully blend. (The Apricot was the only color to succeed in coming out of this cross, being a true mutation created when the cinnamon genes of the two species collided) As a result, we now have two distinct and separate color groups within the color classification system of the domestic hedgehog. The two species colors cannot mix either. At no time will you ever see a <GM>, <CL>, or any other such inter-species mixing of color gene sets. There is a defined and impassable barrier between the color groups. This is not, however, true of the physical characteristics. You may still see an Algerian-colored hedgehog with White-Bellied physical features and vice versa.

In spite of the obvious incompatibility between the color groups, they do mirror one another rather nicely. All variations of color that exist in White-Bellied's also hold true for Algerians. There are 15 dominant colors, running the gamut between Black and Apricot, as well as the complete set of recessives, dilutes, etc. Once you understand the genetic pattern for one species color, you likewise have it for the other. 

To learn more about hedgehog colors, review the Color Guide or contact the IHA for more information


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